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Mar 20, 2019 2:34 PM
omegarabbit said: Demyx_IX said: The funny thing is that they're technically stronger because of both level and Using the power up method to upgrade their weapon, that came from the game that they specifically played themselves. So they possess only a third of their potential strength In regards to under the spoiler: I noticed that Ren says "This wasn't in the game!" at the 20:43 mark. I don't know Japanese so I don't know if it's a translation thing, but he makes it out that he's already had a go at this all before? (Beta testing SAO-style?) Is this important? Screenshot: It has been already explained in the first EP that the three heroes got into this world through a game identical while Naofumi through a LN. That's why they know that shields are good for nothing (they say there isn't a single high end player using shield class), know the world, etc. That's also the reason the legend says the heroes that would be summoned are already familiar with the world and know the regions, countries, enemies, ... |
Waifus only represent ideals |
Mar 20, 2019 2:39 PM
Fede_5000 said: I do not want to spoil it for you but is not that simple how this power works. The rest of the heroes just did not have to learn how this world works. And until this wave they did not have to as the monsters were easy to defeat. Generally one matures passing through shitty situations. It does make sense.Fede_5000 said: ...He seemed defeated, but thanks that he now has the love and support of his raccoon daughter Naofumi comes back to his senses, traps the boss in a giant ball with spikes on the inside, then sticks the ball in a floating Iron Maiden that he somehow managed to summon. And just like that, it almost seems like he defeated the boss by himself. I mean, sure, maybe it was weakened by the combined efforts of everyone there, but… I thought the Shield Hero wasn’t going to be OP. What’s the downside here? Like, does this have any drawbacks? Is he extremely tired or what? Seriously, you remember that scene in Sao where Kirito, by sheer force of will, manages to "hack the system" and instead of dying, ends up defeating the villain? is exactly what happens here we should only support it simply because they mistreated him, but really there is no reason to think that it is better than other protagonists because anyway it has many advantages and abilities that others do not possess since the other heroes did nothing although they made us believe that the shield hero was more "weak". No, the idea is not only to empower a single character and use the pretext that they have consequences like pain or something like that, Deku is always breaking his arms, but that does not mean anything if he can heal and then continue using his skill up to 300 % times of power, supposed effort does not mean anything, what bothers me the most is that the rest of heroes have nothing to emphasize, it was enough to portray them as idiots. |
Mar 20, 2019 2:43 PM
nightcrawlercyp said: In the first episode he states he played a game that was similar to the rules of this world. CorbanEsp said: It has been already explained in the first EP that the three heroes got into this world through a game identical while Naofumi through a LN. That's why they know that shields are good for nothing (they say there isn't a single high end player using shield class), know the world, etc. That's also the reason the legend says the heroes that would be summoned are already familiar with the world and know the regions, countries, enemies, ... Ah, fair do. It's been a long while since I've watched the first episode. While I was aware that the rest of the heroes all knew and understood the type of 'game' they were thrown into, I thought/remembered it as a generalisation, like they just know how to play an mmorpg/rpg and understand the mechanics found in most of the games. Sounds like I'll need to give the first episode another watch! Cheers for the answers! |
Mar 20, 2019 2:45 PM
Fappa said: DirectorK said: It may be convenient writing, but it does shows just how incompetent the other heroes because they still got their head in the clouds and are still treating everything like a game, Lance Hero being the worst of the three due to his overbearing ego. Shield Hero ended up learning the hard way from the start and is the only one who actually takes this seriously. Glass points this out the moment she arrives and in those first words she speaks she's shown more respect to the Shield Hero than anyone else has this entire time. I'm well aware of that but between having plenty of time to get the hang of things and a few clear reminders over their own incompetence up until this point there is no reason for them to still behave the way they do up to this point. I know we're dealing with previous gamers but had a hard time distinguishing this from a game but I can at least expect some realistic growth of character. Sword and(to a degree) Bow Hero are starting to learn but they still have a long way to go. Lance Hero is a hopeless case at this point and he's going to end up learning the hard way like Naofumi did only it will be much harsher, provided he doesn't die first of course. Also, it should be noted that the rest have had their parties from the start, have offensive weapons, and have no need to hold back since they have all the help they need. So it should come as no surprise that they are a bit full of themselves. Naofumi on the other hand has had to everything from scratch and all by himself. But now he's starting to gain the respect he deserves. The point is, Naofumi's problems are not going to go away so soon unless that Melty's mother suddenly steps in. It's going to take time for that happen and meantime we're going to continue to be increasingly frustrated with these characters who have mistreated him this entire time, but that's the point of their characters. I mean, look at Draco Malfoy and other bullies we've had in movies, video games, and anime over the years. The more frustrated we got with them the more satisfying it was to finally see them get what they deserve. |
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Mar 20, 2019 2:53 PM
"OP" naofumi they said...lets see OP naofumi vs glass next week dude |
Mar 20, 2019 3:00 PM
I found this to be the weakest episode by far if I'm totally honest. Firstly, Naofumi seems to have no weakness. Him going into RAGE MODE felt entirely forced and way too early, he needed to be in real peril and channel it as a last resort kind of thing rather than just "eh this is going kinda slowly, better RAGE". The actual iron maiden appearing was hilariously awful, when he was talking about the spikes and stuff I just thought he was gonna spawn some spikes inside his little ball (which would also be ridiculous) but what the fuck was that?! And during all of this, everybody (including foot soldiers who managed to mount a FLYING AIRSHIP MADE OF TENTACLES AND HATRED) just stood there and did absolutely nothing?! Motoyasu's refusal to help Naofumi at this point.. I can't even be bothered to be frustrated at it. This is the big catastrophe they've been building to, if the characters don't take it seriously then why should I believe this is gonna be any threat y'know? Not to mention Glass and the ninja grandma too. The episode had a few good lines but outside of that, thumbs down from me. Completely deflated after that, at one point I was literally shaking my head. For a show that started off so strong I am so disappointed, but if you managed to enjoy it then fair play to you aha. |
Mar 20, 2019 3:07 PM
Good lord, this show started off as shit and hasn't got any better. In every goddamn episode those who dare to oppose Naofumi are shown to be flat one-dimensional meanies to the boohoo poor protagonist, so it's easier for us to hate them. Sometimes the king would act to his own detriment, banning Naofumi from leveling up and making obstacles for a guy that is supposed to protect his own kingdom. Sometimes, like today, the heroes in the face of the unquestionably evil undead monsters are arguing whether it's okay to help our mighty misunderstood lonewolf. This show goes out of its way to make every single character one-dimensional. |
Mar 20, 2019 3:07 PM
Was that a bootleg berserker armor? |
Mar 20, 2019 3:11 PM
Mar 20, 2019 3:12 PM
.[/quote] Demyx_IX said: OG_Gattsu said: Or, and hear me out on this, it's part of their character that they feel like it's all just a game. And don't take it seriously. It’s really annoying the heroes continue to be portrayed as incompetent idiots who can’t do anything right, so Edgelord Hero can save the day! It’s just poor writing and plot convenience at this point. The writer emphasised the stupidity of these dumbfucks by making them all use lightning attacks against the dimensional spirit. Then we have Spear Hero and the other two moaning about helping the Edgelord hero. “I’d rather die than save the world!” is what I got from them. I really don’t like the rage shield. Not only is it a powerup that focuses on his rage boner, it defeats the purpose of him being a tank. It’s fucking bullshit that the lower level tank is doing more DPS to the enemy, it would have been better if the heroes co-operated. Also DPS stands for damage per second. How does he do more dps when he uses all of one attack? The move is meant to be more of a finisher with high burst damage. Which isn't dps. The writer wrote them to be incompetent idiots. Edgelord hero already told the other heroes this isn’t the game last episode, but they continued to make dumb decisions. These heroes have supposed to have played similar games before and yet they don’t know the value of a tank and they’re all using lightning attacks when it’s not effective. Why the hell would you do that when the first one didn’t work? I’ll tell you why, it’s too make Edgelord Hero look good. The one attack he used with the rage shield was doing damage over time. The fact that the lower level tank is doing more damage than the three heroes combined is shitty written. I don’t know why you’re focusing on the word so literally and not the problem at hand, but I should except that much coming from a diehard fanboy. |
FlexstyleMar 20, 2019 3:52 PM
Mar 20, 2019 3:18 PM
Ay Glass bae has finally arrived. |
My Queens |
Mar 20, 2019 3:34 PM
Great episode, spear hero is a scumbag. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 20, 2019 3:37 PM
Best part of the episode was FILO giving Spear Hero a hard time. Lol |
Mar 20, 2019 3:46 PM
Jeez, we get it they think it's just a game. So what, they all had a headstart, started exploring the world and gained experience before Naofumi. Besides that if it's just a game to them why do they have such a huge rageboner against Naofumi(cuz the author decided to make them incompetent hypocritcal douchebags with small dicks). He didnt do anything between episode 3&11 that justifies him having more "skills", yeah he just absorbs stuff with his vagina shield looks at his interface and has a wide range of OP shit to choose from he's a fraud with 2 slaves. The other heroes also did way bigger quests, Naofumi just had to take care of a garden |
poop |
Mar 20, 2019 3:48 PM
Glass is here, and she is taller than I expected lol. LN always gave me the impression she was smaller... Loved the Soul Eater design, it was sick, but no match for OP Glass at this point. Next episode will be very dire indeed. (Filo was using a really teasing voice there to pick on Spear's, never seen her at that kind of player, the dude was stuck between a rock and a hard place! Supersky said: Farabeuf said: Tennouji said: And here I am, waiting for that bitch being on a situation where her life is on the line then beg for Naofumi's help so she can finally shut the fuck up. That's literally my reason for watching this, but for some reason I cannot fathom, we keep on being denied this pleasure. If the creators behind this solve that situation with the cliché "Shounen power of friendship and understanding of each other" I will be majorly miffed. Malty needs to down, and go down hard. I will give a spoiler to answer your question and say it isn't with "the power of friendship" type of bs, but it's actually very satisfying to see. We'll probably get that around the end of the season @ episode 20-22, given how they're adapting the chapters. Dude, that will happen much sooner than than, UNLESS they want to end S1 after Cal Mira arc, if so, then they have to slow the pace, otherwise they will fall in vol6 territory and you cant really do it, without vol 7. Next episode should finish of vol3, so 13-17/18 for vol4, and 19-25 for vol5? That would be too much of a strech, but better than forcing vol 6 & 7 here... JiangHaoyi1979 said: Oh so Glass the wave boss finally shows up and acknowledges Naofumi as the hero, what took her so long???? Notice that she killed the Soul Eater like it was trash, like it wasnt on her side... it wasnt said she is the final boss, dont assume so, if you do, I will say, watch the next episode and see why you are mistaken. |
PlaycoolMar 20, 2019 3:51 PM
Mar 20, 2019 3:56 PM
For a second I was worried this was the finale but I'm glad I checked the episode count. Filo was completely adorable in every scene (as usual), and her being there so someone could finally call Motoyasu a sore loser was amazing Also glad Naofumi got to show up those other heroes with that Iron Maiden move. It was so cool~ |
Mar 20, 2019 4:20 PM
vecha1 said: Draconalis said: Correct me if I'm wrong... but I'm pretty sure that's how she got reintroduced in the web novel. I can't remember if it was the same in the light novel, but I don't remember it being different. I haven't read the web/light novels , only manga , and if I recall correctly , they introduce her far later down the line (I might be wrong though , so take this with a pinch of salt). Her reintroduction that you're thinking about (martial master) definitely happens again, but she appears in both the web novel and Light novel during the 3rd wave. "“Hiyaaa!” The battle cry that had been splitting through the scene was coming from the old lady I’ d given medicine too back when I was traveling through here. Yusagi, Aneko. The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 03 (Kindle Locations 1306-1307). One Peace Books. Kindle Edition. " Oooooh... I like that little addition to the posted area... an auto citation. |
Mar 20, 2019 4:22 PM
Demyx_IX said: Or, and hear me out on this, it's part of their character that they feel like it's all just a game. And don't take it seriously. Also DPS stands for damage per second. How does he do more dps when he uses all of one attack? The move is meant to be more of a finisher with high burst damage. Which isn't dps. Yeah, obviously they are written to be flawed characters. Nothing wrong with that. Problem is, why? What is their arc supposed to be? It's also a huge coincidence that all three of them have the same arrogant mentality, while the MC happens to be the only one with any sense. At this point their purpose has been to dog-pile along with the royal conspirators to make it look like Naofumi is systematically being persecuted, as well as to be so incompetent that Naofumi looks intelligent in comparison, even though he hasn't done anything particularly clever so far. |
Mar 20, 2019 4:25 PM
Mar 20, 2019 4:39 PM
Today we had a great episode, Naofumi put the three failures in their place and Raphtalia again shut up Mal-bitch and her shit. The episode started with a rather passive moment that was when Naofumi gave the accessories to Raphtalia and Firo, a well-deserved reward. The wave begins and the new reinforcements of Naofumi turn out to be very helpful, making the evacuation faster. Kung fu grandma was one of the best moments, the old woman that Naofumi helps now is healthy and ready to eliminate monsters. Naofumi and the girls go to where the heroic fight of the "three heroes" happens and if im sincere it was pathetic to see how the three heroes did practically nothing, but that changed when Naofumi arrived and made them see how futile their efforts were if they did not cooperate, it is sad to see how Naofumi guides these idiots as if they were children in kindergarten. Anyway, Naofumi notices the shadows of the monsters and Raphtalia uses her magic of light and reveals where the boss was hiding and she makes him come out of hiding, the Soul Eater looks pretty good. The three heroes launched to attack the monster and are easily defeated with the useless troop that are his companions, but Naofumi analyzes the situation and discovers a weakness that allows Raphtalia and Firo to damage the monster, but the monster has a overwhelming resistance and Naofumi decides to awaken the power of the Shield of the Wrath. The shield of the Wrath gets a power up thanks to the core of the zombie dragon, Naofumi's attire changes to a very cool and dark armor and Firo and Naofumi are affected by the dragon's wrath contained in the core. Naofumi and Firo do much more damage to the devourer, but Mal-bitch ruins the fight with her stupid and without context comment, but the faithful Raphtalia silences her and tells them in the face of the three heroes how useless and weak they are and this makes Ren and Itsuki react and help Naofumi, then the clown who uses the spear is joined by obligation. The part where Naofumi fights against the wrath of the dragon was my favorite, because Naofumi regains consciousness thanks to Raphtalia and her beautiful smile and Naofumi unlocks 3 new abilities, the ability to change the shape of the shield was good, it did a lot of damage the devourer, but when he release the power of the iron maiden, I got chills to see the huge iron figure in the sky and seeing how the devourer was locked in the maid was the best and certainly the best part was to see how the three heroes were surprised by the power of Naofumi and his shield. Firo teasing Motoyasu was the so funny, this asshole is afraid of the fluffy bird. The damn cliffhanger of this episode was incredible, Glass finally makes her introduction and in an incredible way, defeating a second devourer easily, I also like how she ignores the three useless and only maintains the dialogue with the only true hero, now the real fight with the real boss of the wave is about to begin. Ohh ... damn it, it hurts having to wait a week to see the fight of Naofumi and the girls VS. Glass, I'm sure the trio of useless and their companions will be easily defeated by the elegant lady and I'm sure that Naofumi will have a difficult fight with her, but in the end the three useless will take the glory and that gives me a tremendous rage. |
salbery755Mar 20, 2019 4:43 PM
Mar 20, 2019 4:44 PM
Tennouji said: And here I am, waiting for that bitch being on a situation where her life is on the line then beg for Naofumi's help so she can finally shut the fuck up. OFFTOPIC What s the anime from your signature it looks cool af 🔥 |
Mar 20, 2019 4:44 PM
Shotttooo00_0000 said: Ok this is not what was promised in the first few episodes, so many of the things i feared happened in this episode. The first few episodes didn't promise anything. They set the scene and the rest of the story is unfolding in that scene. Shotttooo00_0000 said: They are all higher leveled than our boi...... AND HOW ARE THEY STILL FUCKING IDIOTS DOING LITERALLY NOTHING. It's partially because they started with everything given to them, while the shield hero had to actively learn the old fashion way. The other heroes still don't even know how to read in this world. Shotttooo00_0000 said: How are they supposed to be the competition in the story for our protaganist-kun at all, Naofumi did everything today. Like I said this is not the story that was promised in the beginning. They aren't... that was never their role in this story. Their role is to fuck things up, be an obstacle, provide information when the time comes, then reach their redemption arcs. Shotttooo00_0000 said: How better would it have been if the other numbskulls were actually heroes and actively gave Naofumi a long gap to fill to be the hero everyone respects. I don't want Naofumi to be the best hero this world has ever seen, I want to see the shield hero be someone equal to all the other heroes, because if the shield hero becomes the best hero this world has ever seen the next time heroes are summoned everyone is going to hate the other three instead(They haven't told us why all the previous shield heroes were hated, so I presume it's personal preference) What you wanted of the story aside, they don't hate the shield hero for superficial reasons like, "The other three were the strongest" There is a long political and religious history to this world that establishes why the shield hero is hated. The anime will explain it (or start scratching the surface at least) in the next arc. Shotttooo00_0000 said: Also they literally spelled out the stupidity of the other three fuck boys by making them do the same exact attack to that dimensional spirit thingy(which did nothing), all three of them used lightning(lightning is lightning, no matter the method of attack lightning is lightning). Ok at least Motoyasu could have done something else because he attacked last of the three, but no our boi Naofumi is the only one with a functioning brain to try something else like wind(which pissed the spirit off). Our chicken loli is more useful than literally the rest of the cast. I guess you still don't understand that each of the other heroes played a game in their world that was almost identical to the world they are in now. That's why they are doing what they think will work... in their games, it did. Each of them "knew" the soul eater had a weakness to lightning, so they used lightning attacks. That's the whole thing with them, they still think this world is a game and they haven't reconciled with the fact that it's not. That's even hinted at when each of them were trying what worked in their game to get the soul eater to come out, and none of it worked. Shotttooo00_0000 said: Also what does that iron maiden thing Naofumi used to kill the dimensional thingy have to do anything with a shield, Is the shield hero handicapped or not, Why does he even need Raphtalia at this point if he did it himself.(I know they are family but today she was his cheerleader, especially Malty being there) It's a double-edged skill. He risks losing control and becoming a berserk maniac when he uses that shield. It's called the "cursed series" for a reason. He only resorts to using that shield when he's desperate. I'm not trying to change your mind about the show. Your taste is your taste, but you asked how, and I'm letting you know how. I know the answers to the unasked questions which why I'm enjoying the show, but at one time I didn't and learning the answers as I read was one of the reasons I really enjoyed this novels. |
Mar 20, 2019 4:50 PM
Mar 20, 2019 4:53 PM
Playcool said: Glass is here, and she is taller than I expected lol. LN always gave me the impression she was smaller... Loved the Soul Eater design, it was sick, but no match for OP Glass at this point. Next episode will be very dire indeed. (Filo was using a really teasing voice there to pick on Spear's, never seen her at that kind of player, the dude was stuck between a rock and a hard place! Supersky said: Farabeuf said: Tennouji said: And here I am, waiting for that bitch being on a situation where her life is on the line then beg for Naofumi's help so she can finally shut the fuck up. That's literally my reason for watching this, but for some reason I cannot fathom, we keep on being denied this pleasure. If the creators behind this solve that situation with the cliché "Shounen power of friendship and understanding of each other" I will be majorly miffed. Malty needs to down, and go down hard. I will give a spoiler to answer your question and say it isn't with "the power of friendship" type of bs, but it's actually very satisfying to see. We'll probably get that around the end of the season @ episode 20-22, given how they're adapting the chapters. Dude, that will happen much sooner than than, UNLESS they want to end S1 after Cal Mira arc, if so, then they have to slow the pace, otherwise they will fall in vol6 territory and you cant really do it, without vol 7. Next episode should finish of vol3, so 13-17/18 for vol4, and 19-25 for vol5? That would be too much of a strech, but better than forcing vol 6 & 7 here... JiangHaoyi1979 said: Oh so Glass the wave boss finally shows up and acknowledges Naofumi as the hero, what took her so long???? Notice that she killed the Soul Eater like it was trash, like it wasnt on her side... it wasnt said she is the final boss, dont assume so, if you do, I will say, watch the next episode and see why you are mistaken. sorry, I didn't know which episode to put it in. I'm usually bad with guessing stuff like that. I think they're gonna end the series adapting 6 volumes, and if we get a second season will up the budget and time making it as well |
Mar 20, 2019 4:53 PM
BenSpeirs said: I also admit the action in this battle, has a lack of explanation as to how the ship can fly, the lack of dialogue between heroes, there are even many scenes cut from Light Novel, if you want to know more in the explanation in this episode, you can read Light Novel nowI found this to be the weakest episode by far if I'm totally honest. Firstly, Naofumi seems to have no weakness. Him going into RAGE MODE felt entirely forced and way too early, he needed to be in real peril and channel it as a last resort kind of thing rather than just "eh this is going kinda slowly, better RAGE". The actual iron maiden appearing was hilariously awful, when he was talking about the spikes and stuff I just thought he was gonna spawn some spikes inside his little ball (which would also be ridiculous) but what the fuck was that?! And during all of this, everybody (including foot soldiers who managed to mount a FLYING AIRSHIP MADE OF TENTACLES AND HATRED) just stood there and did absolutely nothing?! Motoyasu's refusal to help Naofumi at this point.. I can't even be bothered to be frustrated at it. This is the big catastrophe they've been building to, if the characters don't take it seriously then why should I believe this is gonna be any threat y'know? Not to mention Glass and the ninja grandma too. The episode had a few good lines but outside of that, thumbs down from me. Completely deflated after that, at one point I was literally shaking my head. For a show that started off so strong I am so disappointed, but if you managed to enjoy it then fair play to you aha. |
Mar 20, 2019 4:59 PM
That fighting granny deserves so much more credit than the other 3 heroes combined.. what even was all that? They just stood there... and honestly, are lightning skills the only skill attributes they can use? Raphtalia tries to get them to help Naofumi, but gets shouted at instead. Don't get me wrong, I really liked this episode, but the other 3 hero's are starting to work on my nerves. So useless... and I am not even gonna start on Malty. Really loved the action and fight. Was nice to see an actual Iron Maiden, surprising for Naofumi to have such a skill. Seems Naofumi is understanding more of his Rage Shield and is starting to control it little by little with help from Raphtalia. Glass appeared and I am really curious what she can do, she already is far more interesting than the other 3 hero's! |
Mar 20, 2019 5:03 PM
Shotttooo00_0000 said: Also they literally spelled out the stupidity of the other three fuck boys by making them do the same exact attack to that dimensional spirit thingy(which did nothing), all three of them used lightning(lightning is lightning, no matter the method of attack lightning is lightning). Ok at least Motoyasu could have done something else because he attacked last of the three, but no our boi Naofumi is the only one with a functioning brain to try something else like wind(which pissed the spirit off). Our chicken loli is more useful than literally the rest of the cast. They all attacked at the same time. Had they chosen different elements it would have been impossible to figure out which element does damage, which does none, and which heals him |
Mar 20, 2019 5:04 PM
Mar 20, 2019 5:06 PM
Esquirtit said: Wow that was bad, why are the other 3 heroes so trash and why did raphtalia have to tell them to attack. Why is raphtalia the cringiest waifu character ever and incel hero's Jesus. Why is he OP when summoning his inner edgelord, that indeed is cheating why isn't Spear Hero's foolishness a power. SAO mixed with Naruto and Fairy Tail, gross female chatacters, edgelord rage abilities and power of friendship. The plot is sketchy because it's complete nonsense doesn't matter if it gets explained later on just some pedophilic priests who order people to have a rageboner against the shield fag cuz why not and the Queen is too busy vibrating her pussy aint no time to govern the country I LOVE YOU 😂😂😂 |
Mar 20, 2019 5:09 PM
CeddyyBearr said: That fighting granny deserves so much more credit than the other 3 heroes combined.. what even was all that? They just stood there... and honestly, are lightning skills the only skill attributes they can use? Raphtalia tries to get them to help Naofumi, but gets shouted at instead. Don't get me wrong, I really liked this episode, but the other 3 hero's are starting to work on my nerves. So useless... and I am not even gonna start on Malty. Really loved the action and fight. Was nice to see an actual Iron Maiden, surprising for Naofumi to have such a skill. Seems Naofumi is understanding more of his Rage Shield and is starting to control it little by little with help from Raphtalia. Glass appeared and I am really curious what she can do, she already is far more interesting than the other 3 hero's! The other 3 heroes are stubborn and are convinced that Melromarc's universe runs on the mechanics of games they played in their respective Japans. As a result, they think they know everything which ends up biting them in their asses. In contrast, Naofumi's lack of knowledge at the beginning turned out to be an advantage. He built up his skills from the ground up to get to where he is now. For instance, he learned spells from reading magic grimoires which also require him to know how to read the universe's text. The other heroes "learned" spells from crystal balls. |
Mar 20, 2019 5:13 PM
Mar 20, 2019 5:24 PM
Im just so amazed at how a show just went to utter garbage in such a short time. The animation was almost as bad as Fairy Tail's. For plots sake, the heroes were nerfed from level 50/60+ to common folk with sharp pointy objects and dumbed down to the extremes. All that, just so the hero can show hoW sTrOnG aNd rEsPonSibLe hE iS. Those 3 heroes might as well have been fighting with thumbs the way their super strong sharp weapons basically ineffective **even after showing the sword killing that zombie dragon which gave the power to Nafoumi** to even kill that damn boss, he was somehow powerless all of a sudden.... 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️ |
Mar 20, 2019 5:26 PM
SO glad that Naofumi showed who is boss. Kong fu baba ftw... |
Mar 20, 2019 5:39 PM
was like hell no you do not give him guts armor lol thankfully it was just a arm it was alright highlight was the old baba hidden villager of power and the mvp i don't know how they're gonna redeem these incompetent heroes still using skills from lv20 letting their MT do all the fighting when their just standing around being derp's only reason are boi here looks so strong is because everyone else can't fight for shit. |
Mar 20, 2019 5:41 PM
Alternate_Wraph said: It seems that only the light elements that have a detrimental effect on soul eater monsters, it was proved first by raphtalia attack while the second by glassShotttooo00_0000 said: Also they literally spelled out the stupidity of the other three fuck boys by making them do the same exact attack to that dimensional spirit thingy(which did nothing), all three of them used lightning(lightning is lightning, no matter the method of attack lightning is lightning). Ok at least Motoyasu could have done something else because he attacked last of the three, but no our boi Naofumi is the only one with a functioning brain to try something else like wind(which pissed the spirit off). Our chicken loli is more useful than literally the rest of the cast. They all attacked at the same time. Had they chosen different elements it would have been impossible to figure out which element does damage, which does none, and which heals him |
Mar 20, 2019 5:43 PM
Can't wait for the final boss fight. Hopefully the sword hero (who is the most likable out of the 3 useless heroes) actually becomes useful tho and gives the shield hero some assistance. |
Mar 20, 2019 5:51 PM
Punkero said: yes that's because naofumi used his hatred to generate a curse shield power that made him able to use AOE attacks, of course there must be side effects from usingThe shield hero is OP af compared with the others, his weapon actually does legendary and magical shit. Fighting against a bird looking monster on a boat, like in the Devil May Cry game. |
Mar 20, 2019 5:59 PM
Shotttooo00_0000 said: They are all higher leveled than our boi...... AND HOW ARE THEY STILL FUCKING IDIOTS DOING LITERALLY NOTHING. There was saying from the other that "when the lvl of the hero is very high but the equipment is very poor upgrade, cheep items and skilled is very low and useless then the hero will become barrenness (useless) rather the hero which the lvl is very low but in terms of equipment is totally upgraded and the skill is upgrade then their will be a big chance to fight the big boss and the hero will be survived". |
PersiaJuliet23Mar 20, 2019 6:05 PM
Mar 20, 2019 6:18 PM
Don't know why people are making a fuss about the Kung-Fu Granny being introduced early. she was clearly introduced already in Episode 6. I had simply brushed off her being listed as level ??? as the animators being too lazy to come up with a level for such an unimportant NPC. They didn't even grant her a name! |
Mar 20, 2019 6:40 PM
Alternate_Wraph said: Don't know why people are making a fuss about the Kung-Fu Granny being introduced early. she was clearly introduced already in Episode 6. I had simply brushed off her being listed as level ??? as the animators being too lazy to come up with a level for such an unimportant NPC. They didn't even grant her a name! It's because some people read the manga and don't know that's when he got reintroduced in the source material. |
Mar 20, 2019 7:01 PM
nightcrawlercyp said: NothinComplexPls said: The hatred in this episode was from the killed dragon. That is why it also affected FiroShieldbro's anger phase was damped down a lot. The hatred inside him felt almost non-existent. Its the only disappointing thing for me this episode. Other than that, it wasn't bad. Hopefully, the fight next episode is good. You didn't get what I meant, sway. |
Mar 20, 2019 7:36 PM
Finally i get me some animated glass |
Mar 20, 2019 8:04 PM
no_ragrets said: Good lord, this show started off as shit and hasn't got any better. In every goddamn episode those who dare to oppose Naofumi are shown to be flat one-dimensional meanies to the boohoo poor protagonist, so it's easier for us to hate them. Sometimes the king would act to his own detriment, banning Naofumi from leveling up and making obstacles for a guy that is supposed to protect his own kingdom. Sometimes, like today, the heroes in the face of the unquestionably evil undead monsters are arguing whether it's okay to help our mighty misunderstood lonewolf. This show goes out of its way to make every single character one-dimensional. If you hate it so much, why are you watching it then? |
Mar 20, 2019 8:13 PM
Finally some action again. The CG was Ok and Glass' intro was good. |
Mar 20, 2019 8:19 PM
Damn, i love how unexpected are those waves are. This wave just shows again how incompetent the heroes are, the 1st wave they were just lucky because it was easy, now this one shows that they clearly don't have any skill neither knowledge, they are just like robots, fight until it seems that it's dead. Naofumi clearly showed everyone why and how he is the best xD Especially when the boss of the wave says that there is only one hero! holy s**! xD Spear and bow heroes are so dumb, like ok you don't like him but wtf? You are being attacked by a stronger enemy and if you don't defeat it together you die? Or you don't get it? They are so dumb, the sword hero is the only one that's decent. I love how the b** complains, yet can't do shit xD Naofumi got berserk again but gladly thanks to Raphtalia he managed to control it, and apparently, this is just the beginning for his skills/abilities. What a way to kill that monster! Next episode!!! |
Mar 20, 2019 8:23 PM
Didn't think Naofumi could just activate his rage mode at will or whatever. Well he's getting a better handle on it anyway. Other heroes are still mostly total twats. Sword hero is still half decent. Naofumi is always talking mad shit to them whenever they're together. Nice that Naofumi was able to get the final blow with some really weird shield combo metal af attack. With the cg was a little better tho. The ending was really random. Btw wtf kinda name is Glass anyway. |
Mar 20, 2019 8:26 PM
Reuterli said: "Last time Rage Mode did basically nothing and I still don't know what it's actually good for, but let me poker and use it again even though I'm already perfectly able to parry the enemy's attacks" Paired with the other heroes being all edgy and initially refusing to help for no apparent reason. Mindboggling garbage. You should try paying attention. He used the Rage Shield because it would have taken too long to kill the Soul Eater otherwise. Like yeah, they were able to dodge it's attacks and their attacks WERE doing damage, but they were really only slowly chipping away at it's health. An extended fight would put the village Naofumi was defending in more danger, that's why he took the risk and used the Rage Shield. The show ain't perfect, but if you're going to criticize it, at least have your criticism make sense. |
Mar 20, 2019 8:59 PM
OG_Gattsu said: The writer wrote them to be incompetent idiots. Edgelord hero already told the other heroes this isn’t the game last episode, but they continued to make dumb decisions. Are you really the type of person that would change your entire outlook on life if someone that you're not overly fond of, told you something that goes against everything you've thought? No? Didn't think so. OG_Gattsu said: Uh. The only time they used a lightning type attack was when they first start fighting it. So I have no idea what you're complaining about. Also, in the first episode all of them say that only losers play the shield class in the games that were in their worlds. Which means that there is either very few of them being played over all, or they're seen in the same negative light in those games, as they are seen in the world they get summoned to. These heroes have supposed to have played similar games before and yet they don’t know the value of a tank and they’re all using lightning attacks when it’s not effective. Why the hell would you do that when the first one didn’t work? I’ll tell you why, it’s too make Edgelord Hero look good. OG_Gattsu said: The one attack he used with the rage shield was doing damage over time. The fact that the lower level tank is doing more damage than the three heroes combined is shitty written. I don’t know why you’re focusing on the word so literally and not the problem at hand, but I should except that much coming from a diehard fanboy. You obviously haven't seen comments about the show I've made recently. There's definitely problems with the show, but at least with this episode, the complaints you've made are bad. SSL443 said: Demyx_IX said: Or, and hear me out on this, it's part of their character that they feel like it's all just a game. And don't take it seriously. Also DPS stands for damage per second. How does he do more dps when he uses all of one attack? The move is meant to be more of a finisher with high burst damage. Which isn't dps. Yeah, obviously they are written to be flawed characters. Nothing wrong with that. Problem is, why? What is their arc supposed to be? It's also a huge coincidence that all three of them have the same arrogant mentality, while the MC happens to be the only one with any sense. At this point their purpose has been to dog-pile along with the royal conspirators to make it look like Naofumi is systematically being persecuted, as well as to be so incompetent that Naofumi looks intelligent in comparison, even though he hasn't done anything particularly clever so far. I believe that it's due to a lack of maturity (two of them are under 18 and Motoyasu is based off an easy going, harem protagonist), and because of the experience from the games that they're from, they feel like that they get to be the actual protagonist of the game they used to play. It gets worse before it gets better, but they do eventually learn the error of their ways. |
Demyx_IXMar 20, 2019 9:11 PM
Mar 20, 2019 9:02 PM
justasadguy said: FINALLY! A nice episode :D, I have been waiting since episode 3 to see a good one again... But this makes me mad even more because it proves that this show has potential, but wasted a lot of time in fillers (eg. Motoyatsu race ) Let's hope it grows again :), because it has all the potential to do it Those weren't fillers. |
Mar 20, 2019 9:04 PM
Farabeuf said: Tennouji said: And here I am, waiting for that bitch being on a situation where her life is on the line then beg for Naofumi's help so she can finally shut the fuck up. That's literally my reason for watching this, but for some reason I cannot fathom, we keep on being denied this pleasure. If the creators behind this solve that situation with the cliché "Shounen power of friendship and understanding of each other" I will be majorly miffed. Malty needs to down, and go down hard. Trust me, you'll be so happy with the outcome. But I reckon it'll happen at the last episode... so more waiting to come. |
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