List of fictional alien species: G

Name Source Notes
Gabri Rates Vampire Idol Vampire-humanoids
Gadmeer Stargate SG-1
Gauna Knights of Sidonia A race of Shapeshifting Eldritch Aliens
Gaim Babylon 5
Galactoids Superjail! A race of party creatures.
Galactus Marvel Comics
Galaxoid Calvin and Hobbes
Gallaxhar Monsters vs. Aliens Believed to be a space squid, since he stated he was "but a squidling" when he was young.
Galvan Ben 10 Small, frog-like humanoids from Galvan Prime, Galvans are exceptionally intelligent, especially in inventing and innovation.
Galvanic Mechamorph Made of a liquid-metal like nanotechnology, Galvanic Mechamorphs can fuse with technology and increase its technical capabilities, and can replicate any technology they have previously augmented with. They live on Galvan Prime's moon, Galvan B, and were created due to a Galvan terraforming experiment.
Gamilons/Gamilus Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers Humanoid
Gamorrean Star Wars Rotund, pig-like humanoids
Ganymean James P. Hogan's Giants Series Large technologically advanced humanoids
Gaoul Titan A.E. Leathery-winged, pterosaur-like aliens. Native to Sesharrim.
Garthlings David Brin's Uplift Universe
Garys Adventure Time an alien species
Gashlai Twilight Imperium Organized as "Embers of Muaat"; burning beings whose metabolism is based on a unique energy-to-mass conversion
The Gelth Doctor Who Gaseous humanoids, they can either exist in gaseous mediums (such as gas pipes in Victorian Households) or inside the corpses of others.
Gedd K. A. Applegate's Animorphs
GELF Red Dwarf Genetically Enhanced Life Form — a wide variety of artificial 'aliens' created by human scientists. Some are humanoid, others are not. All life seen in the Red Dwarf universe originated on Earth, there are no true aliens of extraterrestrial origins.
Gelgameks South Park Toad-like with slimy green skin and large eyes. Females are claimed to have vaginas that are three feet wide and filled with razor-sharp teeth. Gelgameks also represent the Roman Catholic Church.
Gemini Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Gems Steven Universe Sentient rocks that project a human-like form (described as "a hologram with mass"). Gems are not sexually dimorphic but are feminine in appearance and are addressed as women. As shown in the "How Are Gems Made?" short, they absorb nutrients from the ground and emerge from the planet as a fully formed Gem.
Geochelone Aerios Ben 10 Peaceful, philosophic turtle-like creatures from the planet Aldabra in the Andromeda Galaxy, Geochelone Aerios can unleash powerful torrents of wind from the holes in their torso and control air in other ways, and they are immune to magic and attacks based on mana, or life energy.
Geonosian Star Wars Insectoid humanoids
Geth Mass Effect Artificially intelligent robots created by the quarians, geth (which means "Servant of the people" in the quarian language Khelish) were meant to be a labor race, but as they became more sentient, they began questioning their existence and the quarians decided to shut them down before they could revolt, causing war between the geth and the quarians. The geth won, forcing the quarians to evacuate their planet. While most geth decided to stay on their planet and try to achieve their goal of a device that would house the entire geth consciousness, a small sect allied themselves with the villainous Reapers.
Gethenians Ursula K. Le Guin's Ekumen stories) and other races
Ghamans Perry Rhodan
Ghosts Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Gibis Les Shadoks
Gigan Godzilla films Cyborg kaiju with claws for hands, a buzzsaw in his abdomen, a single red eye
Giygas EarthBound
Gigglepies The Fairly OddParents Rabbit-like aliens, all of them (both male and female) having floppy ears, a small heart-shaped nose, large shiny eyes, and a round head. They spread across entire planets by posing as the "Special Surprise Inside" a box of "Invader O's" cereal. After they enslave a planet, sell their merchandise, and suck it dry, they blow it up and move onto another planet.
Gill Men X-COM: Terror from the Deep
G'keks David Brin's Uplift Universe
Gladifers Dennis Paul Himes
Glapum'tians Valérian and Laureline
Glendaliens Bravest Warriors A species of slime-like creatures. After The Great Time Catastrophe, the Glendaliens created a machine to keep time running. After the machine broke down and began looping time, it is unknown what happened to the Glendaliens on the Moon of Glendale.
Gliscians SCP Foundation
(SCP-1342 - To the Makers of Music)
Also known as SCP-1342-3. A species of tri-radially symmetrical beings from Gliese 445-C, a fictitious planet of Gliese 445. By the year 42,412, Glisians reverse-engineered radio technology from Earth's signals and contacted humanity, and shared technological advancements until humans devastated the Gliscian homeworld after the latter's invention of space-time technology. The dying Gliscians recovered Voyager 1 and its contents, from which they were inspired to create their own space probe and record (SCP-1342-1 & -2) to send back to Earth in 1982 to warn of their timeline and offer peace with humans.[1]
Gloarft Megas XLR
Gnaar Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Gnolams Master of Orion II
Gnosis Xenosaga
Goa'uld Stargate SG-1 A parasitic race which burrow into their hosts neck and possess them. They pose as Gods to humans.
Godan Imperium Galactica II: Alliances
Gollarks Murderous Maths
Gonknoids Phil of the Future
Gonzo The Muppets A member of a fun-loving and musical race who was lost on Earth and later found by his family.
Goola-Goola Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Gorlocks Win, Lose and Kaboom
Gorg Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Gorn Star Trek
Gort The Day the Earth Stood Still
Goszuls Perry Rhodan
Gourmand Ben 10 A bipedal, frog-like species from the Peptos planetary system. They possess a monarchy-based society and are divided into two subspecies: Murks and Perks. Furthermore, they have long, prehensile tongues and a stomach-based pocket dimension that enables them to eat almost anything.
Govorom Ascendancy
Gowachin Frank Herbert's ConSentiency universe)
G.R.A.I.S.E. Melonpool
Grans Star Wars Humanoid
The Graske Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures Small Humanoid
Great Race of Yith H. P. Lovecraft
Grendarl Master of Orion III
Grendlers Earth 2 Intelligent bipedal species known for their scavenging, hoarding, and trading. Though not a violently aggressive species they are very fond of human blood.
Gretchin/Grotz Warhammer 40,000 Humanoid
Grey alien popular mythology
Grob Gob Glob Grod Adventure Time a four-headed deity from Mars, and the brother(s) of Magic Man
Grogs Larry Niven's Known Space
Grudeks Farscape Humanoid
Grue Pitch Black Humanoid
Grunds Marvel Comics Humanoid
Grundos Neopets Cute Alien who lived on the moon of Neopia.
Grunts (Unggoy) Halo Short creatures, mostly used as fodder for bigger creatures in Covenant. Breath a gas native to their homeworld.
Guard Alienoid Humanoid
Guardians of the Universe DC Comics Small blue humanoids who are among the oldest life forms in the universe, originating on the planet Maltus before moving to Oa in the center of the universe. They are the leaders of the Green Lantern Corps.
Gubru David Brin's Uplift Universe
Gungans Star Wars An aquatic adapted species. They are masters of underwater combat, are fairly fast swimmers, and are proud warriors.


  1. ^ "SCP-1342 - To the Makers of Music". SCP Foundation. December 31, 2012. Archived from the original on March 26, 2024. Retrieved April 15, 2024.