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Sep 28, 2021 11:10 AM

Mar 2020
It probably is but I like it like that
check out odd taxi
Sep 29, 2021 9:45 AM

Jul 2017
humantwig said:
This show is all over the place, random and "complex".
This is why I find it so interesting and I love it.

Just like other shows like this, I love to figure it out myself and draw ideas and conclusions from what is being shown.
It's also quite relaxing and after another watch I would probably like it more and more.

I'm gonna remember this one for a while.
AYYYYY like-minded beings sound alike.

I should say this first, but OP, you're such an elitist, go watch your Shonen shit like AOT or something.
Sep 29, 2021 10:47 AM

Mar 2016
wait for the last episode before speaking we will have at least partially the answers
Sep 30, 2021 7:23 AM
Feb 2017
Just go with the flow, it s a nice show ;)
Oct 19, 2021 11:08 AM

Oct 2008
A show that is hard on itself. To viewers it looks like it takes itself seriously and tackles issues of varying leves and complexity. But the point it makes is lost because it can't get it's message across, is what I mean when I say "hard on itself".

Shame to, if only it didn't look so much like "Super Cub" and more like "Horimiya", it would have gotten at least a pity point from me.
Nov 27, 2021 12:44 PM
Oct 2015
Lucas-Souza_19 said:
Like, I get it that the anime wants to be abstract, wants to pass messages through symbolism, metalanguage and everything else. But man, the way Sonny Boy tries to do it is absolutely elitist and this is the BIGGEST PROBLEM of this anime...

It's not dynamic, it's boring (Monkey episode, I'm talking to you...), the anime just plays and throws information every second, and requires you to pay attention to every cut, every scene transition, in the text, in the subtext, in the scenery, even in the dubbing (voice coming from beyond talking to the little star's douchebag in the face out of nowhere), everything.

If you miss even 1 of these details you're gone, it's hard to get into that. I feel like this anime tried to be "The End of Evangelion" from the beginning, only without the context of the characters in the past, without their nuances, without even knowing them or the world, or the rules properly. Which if evangelion had tried to do it would have failed miserably.

"the anime just plays and throws information every second, and requires you to pay attention to every cut, every scene transition, in the text, in the subtext, in the scenery, even in the dubbing"

you're too used to isekai garbage pacing where nothing happens for 4 episodes and you can watch it half asleep, having to pay attention every second should be the norm for anime, if I literally need to watch in times 2 speed to stay interesting your anime is shit
Nov 27, 2021 11:51 PM
Apr 2020
Just finished it, it really was complicated for the most part but when episode 12 hit, everything made sense (somewhat) and I truly believe it's a masterpiece that future weebs will be arguing about.
Dec 15, 2021 4:42 AM

Dec 2018
don't compare this to NGE, that show is hot garbage
i will have to do a rewatch sometime, but i didn't have any problem following this show, except maybe towards the end. i bet i missed a bunch of stuff but that's why i want to watch again, kind of like penguindrum.
Dec 15, 2021 4:44 AM

Nov 2019
it really do be like that, there is a lot of cut off in detail that is absolutely symbolic because its up to user interpretation some times or it just revisits the cut off later.
Jan 22, 2022 7:32 PM

Oct 2019
Lucas-Souza_19 said:
Like, I get it that the anime wants to be abstract, wants to pass messages through symbolism, metalanguage and everything else. But man, the way Sonny Boy tries to do it is absolutely elitist and this is the BIGGEST PROBLEM of this anime...

It's not dynamic, it's boring (Monkey episode, I'm talking to you...), the anime just plays and throws information every second, and requires you to pay attention to every cut, every scene transition, in the text, in the subtext, in the scenery, even in the dubbing (voice coming from beyond talking to the little star's douchebag in the face out of nowhere), everything.

If you miss even 1 of these details you're gone, it's hard to get into that. I feel like this anime tried to be "The End of Evangelion" from the beginning, only without the context of the characters in the past, without their nuances, without even knowing them or the world, or the rules properly. Which if evangelion had tried to do it would have failed miserably.

no what you are describing is serial experience lain, I personally had no problem understanding the series, and didn't find it boring for even a second.
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Jan 25, 2022 2:07 AM
Nov 2020
its not even close to being neither complex nor difficult. The story is just told in a more realistic way but its very straightforward and everything you need to know about the storyline, world building and the message is already told to the audience by the characters themselves. So idk what you see as complex, if you have any doubt you can always ask :)
murisioJan 25, 2022 2:10 AM
Jan 25, 2022 2:14 AM
Nov 2020
-Elevate- said:
going to completely agree with you op
ugh yeah not really too much a fan of these "elitist" anime but just watching it right now for the sake of completion there is literally nothing that i like about this anime i probably will end up rating it a 5 or a 6
every episode just feels so random
come on its not even elitist, mal users are retarded and by circlejerking about the so called “complexity” they feel better about themselves. Its completely fine if you didn’t like it but calling names on something without a basis is kind of an asshole move
Jan 25, 2022 2:21 AM

Apr 2020
I don't think it's trying to be "abstract"'s just pretty special in it's Themes and presentation.

I agree, it's hard to follow and the cut's make this whole Show really choppy, at times.
I didn't like that either.

Still, some would argue the complexity and Detail of this Show are more of it's strong points instead of flaws.

It's one of these Anime that you either hate or love, I feel.
All in all I just think we should at least acknowledge the aesthetics and the thought that's gone into this.

If anything, the Anime was at least pretty unique imo
Jan 25, 2022 4:14 AM
Nov 2020
ToraiS said:
Sonny Boy can be complex, yes, but it really boils down to your own perspective and interpretation because the anime doesn't really make conclusions of it's own -- which may be a good thing or bad thing.
id argue about this point. The message that tries to deliver is pretty clear and doesnt leave room for ambiguity. Its just a little pat on the back telling you to grow up, try to be better and youll be happier with yourself. The conversation between rajhdani and mizuho from episode 11 and the final conversation between nagara and mizuho from episode 12 sum it up really well
Jan 25, 2022 8:50 AM

Oct 2019
KayY_J said:
You're probably going to have an aneurysm when you watch Lain then.

this is way too right lmao
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Jan 30, 2022 4:49 PM

Apr 2015
Lucas-Souza_19 said:
Like, I get it that the anime wants to be abstract, wants to pass messages through symbolism, metalanguage and everything else. But man, the way Sonny Boy tries to do it is absolutely elitist and this is the BIGGEST PROBLEM of this anime...

It's not dynamic, it's boring (Monkey episode, I'm talking to you...), the anime just plays and throws information every second, and requires you to pay attention to every cut, every scene transition, in the text, in the subtext, in the scenery, even in the dubbing (voice coming from beyond talking to the little star's douchebag in the face out of nowhere), everything.

If you miss even 1 of these details you're gone, it's hard to get into that. I feel like this anime tried to be "The End of Evangelion" from the beginning, only without the context of the characters in the past, without their nuances, without even knowing them or the world, or the rules properly. Which if evangelion had tried to do it would have failed miserably.

Paçoca com beterraba
Feb 5, 2022 11:21 AM
Oct 2018
Just don’t watch it lol, it’s always so funny when people are triggered by something unorthodox
Feb 8, 2022 1:25 PM
Jul 2018
It isn't necessarily elitist, but it shoves itself too far up in its own ass
Feb 10, 2022 5:53 AM
Dec 2020
However I bored anime that try to tell everything or use concept patterns
ExCluSin90Mar 4, 2022 2:06 AM
Mar 3, 2022 2:43 PM

May 2020
Lucas-Souza_19 said:
It's not dynamic, it's boring (Monkey episode, I'm talking to you...), the anime just plays and throws information every second, and requires you to pay attention to every cut, every scene transition, in the text, in the subtext, in the scenery, even in the dubbing (voice coming from beyond talking to the little star's douchebag in the face out of nowhere), everything.

If you miss even 1 of these details you're gone, it's hard to get into that.

Isn't this a thing you should do for any anime? which is paying attention at whatever is happening so you have a clear mind of what the series is about and making sure a show has plot holes or not! Or are you one of those people who just watch anime despite not having an attention spam of 20 minutes and just look at your phone in case you're bored?

You can just say the show isn't for you, it's not that hard! Also you're not lost if you miss one single detail... you're exaggerating lol

MAL is the perfect place to shit talk about people's opinions.
Apr 10, 2022 5:49 PM
Mar 2016
I somewhat agree. I don't think it's necessarily a problem that the anime is complex, it's that there's very little underpinning the anime beneath that complexity. There's a ton of references and symbolism in this show, but for what? Similar shows like LAIN, Texhnolyze, and Ergo Proxy had a similar structure but we're very character driven. Every episode meant something to the larger plot or revealed something about the characters. Even more linear shows with rich symbologies like Wolf's Rain blow this anime out of the water.

It has a great premise, solid art and music, but it just can't tie the overall production together. I think a big problem is the show's bloated cast. Aside from Nagara, Mizuho, Nozomi, and Azasadani, you really only need another character to manipulate him. Everyone else is completely superfluous. Rajdhani only exists for infodumps. Most other characters are vaguely important to the plot of one episode, but ultimately none of the developments really matter at all. You could easily boil the story down to those 4 characters and either Star-Boy or Aka-sensei and have the exact same plot structure with minimal tweaking. The major plot points could have easily been condensed down to 3 or 4 episodes.

I understand what the show is going for, but I don't think it reached it's potential in the slightest. Instead it drew out a few good ideas until they were really boring. Honestly the last episode is the only one that made me feel anything. Not because Nozomi x Nagara is impossible (I always liked Mizuho x Nagara anyway), but because I can completely relate to going back to a place you hated to begin with for the sake of a promise by someone else, only to realize that you're left in an even worse predicament than you had before.

This show focused way too much on trying to make the end product convoluted so people would say, "It's so smart and deep, omg.". They should have used some of that time crafting the core story and characters. Especially since a plot structured this way gives you much less time to relate to anyone who isn't the protagonist. It's really pretty surface level and cliche in most of it's analysis. That's not necessarily a bad thing either, as I love a lot of simple and straightforward anime too, and everyone needs an introduction into these deeper topics. But if it's actively trying to be super deep and philosophical, then like so many other shows recently (Tokyo Sinks 2020), I have to say it completely failed on that front. It's only deep if you haven't done much thinking on any of the topics in question, and it presents it's assertions as infodumps 90% of the time.

In conclusion, I was looking forward to this anime. I really wanted to like it. This product is mediocre at best. 4.5/10 for the art, music, and final episode alone.
DarkdaxterApr 10, 2022 6:07 PM
Apr 10, 2022 5:55 PM

Feb 2019
Lucas-Souza_19 said:
But man, the way Sonny Boy tries to do it is absolutely elitist and this is the BIGGEST PROBLEM of this anime.
sorry, but what?

Also, the gripes you had with it are actually the exact reasons why it is loved by its fans. So it all comes down to the show not being for you, ig.
Apr 15, 2022 10:16 PM
Jul 2018
This show is probably one of the most sleep inducing but the finale is something I would never forget though, it impressed me. I'd rather this show utilize more music to keep me awake.
Apr 20, 2022 3:14 AM
Oct 2015
Lucas-Souza_19 said:
Like, I get it that the anime wants to be abstract, wants to pass messages through symbolism, metalanguage and everything else. But man, the way Sonny Boy tries to do it is absolutely elitist and this is the BIGGEST PROBLEM of this anime...

It's not dynamic, it's boring (Monkey episode, I'm talking to you...), the anime just plays and throws information every second, and requires you to pay attention to every cut, every scene transition, in the text, in the subtext, in the scenery, even in the dubbing (voice coming from beyond talking to the little star's douchebag in the face out of nowhere), everything.

If you miss even 1 of these details you're gone, it's hard to get into that. I feel like this anime tried to be "The End of Evangelion" from the beginning, only without the context of the characters in the past, without their nuances, without even knowing them or the world, or the rules properly. Which if evangelion had tried to do it would have failed miserably.

bruh i have adhd and' even then i was able to understand after rewinding some episodes a bit for stuff i missed, its not that hard, its not like you are in a movie theatre,

also it is far from convoluted i feel like some episodes are actually far too simple since most of them only tackle one aspect of society each episode,
but it reminds me of space dandy, which was the peak of this genre of anime
Sep 1, 2022 3:11 AM

Mar 2013
This takes place in the world of absurd, why do you expect everything to make sense?xD
It was more or less understandable with some details being weird that I treated as 'weird part of weird world' including characters, because they become a part of this weirdness.
But also I love thinking about it themes, some I understand, some I read from someone else and wonder how much sense it makes.
I love thinking about characters and their lives and what choice is better if there is one.
And of course the atmosphere and mystery of it all, kept me hooked and the end made me emotional. Complexity only added to this experience.
Sep 1, 2022 11:02 PM
Apr 2021
SofiaBulga said:
A show that is hard on itself. To viewers it looks like it takes itself seriously and tackles issues of varying leves and complexity. But the point it makes is lost because it can't get it's message across, is what I mean when I say "hard on itself".

Shame to, if only it didn't look so much like "Super Cub" and more like "Horimiya", it would have gotten at least a pity point from me.

First off, Sonny Boy very much articulates it's themes simply, it's really not that hard to understand what it's trying to say. Unless you're just a generic binge-watching Boku no Hero enjoyer. I also don't see how you can criticize it's aesthetic, as it's one of the most refreshing and unique art styles in anime.
Sep 1, 2022 11:05 PM
Apr 2021
removed-user said:
This show is probably one of the most sleep inducing but the finale is something I would never forget though, it impressed me. I'd rather this show utilize more music to keep me awake.

Of course it isn't going to be blatant in it's themes and narrative. Sure, thats how the majority of anime works, but that's not how real life works. Sonny Boy is just dense, realistic storytelling set place in a surreal world.
Sep 1, 2022 11:33 PM

Oct 2008
Sonny Boy is neither interesting or smart, it's intriguing. It's more stylistic than complicated. And to me personally, the most frustrating part about it is it leaves you with this feeling of insufficiency. It's like you work your but off and despite all your exemplary performance, in the end you don't feel appreciated, satisfied or fulfilled.
Sep 21, 2022 1:34 PM

Jul 2015
I dont mind complex but 90% of the anime is just people talking without any background music, it bores the shit out of me. And the MC is kinda pathetic

Sep 30, 2022 11:00 AM

Feb 2018
I'm surprised this thread was mostly popular before the anime ended, because I feel this anime spurs a lot of talk on its meaning.

For me, it was pretty good and pretty deep and yeah, multitaskers aren't allowed to enjoy it since it ask to much attention, but also has an mystical and philosophical aura which is also another barrier for some.
35 years old ossan who still watches anime
Dec 10, 2022 1:16 AM
Jan 2022
Reality is that it is not complex at all.This anime tries to be complex and mysterious but its not.From symbolism perspective yes its heavily dependent on it but from actual mystery perspective its not mysterious at all.Sonny Boy can be termed in a single word as SYMBOLIC
Dec 16, 2022 1:31 PM

May 2022
The story is kind of all over the place feeling somewhat incomplete. We have all these storylines and then it kind of just ends, which almost feels like they wanted another season to some extent. Very unique ideas, but they of of go nowhere in the end. It almost feels like they jammed as many things ideas could think of and then kind of pieced the story together around it.
Jan 3, 2023 9:44 PM

Aug 2020
You dont get it man. Ugly looking MS paint characters is peak. Just look at the top rated MAL anime's botted by people on the spectrum.
Keep scrolling
Apr 10, 2023 5:35 PM

Feb 2015
What's the deal with people in this thread saying they like things being random and/or confusing? Is that an actual valid opinion to argue for? 
I've seen it being brought up in some other places, usually with media that contains somewhat complex themes and usually by teens that don't really know how to argue/create arguments or like to think critically(not a diss), to me that just sounds like this person has no idea why they liked a show, but since they did, they try to rationalize why that would be the case, most likely case is that the person liked the show for other reasons and just didn't mind the randomness(more of a vibes person), maybe bc they usually don't pay too much attention when watching something, so they're "used" to not really following plot super close or they're just fine with not understanding what's hapening and don't mind relevating confusing moments. 
Plus i don't think Sonny Boy is even confusing to begin with, it's not exactly shonen/isekai simple(in general) but i'm pretty sure it's made for the same young audience, they just needed to work more on the pacing, stripped some of the filler that doesn't really add anything, got rid of most characters, focus more on the ones left and tried making them more compelling, interesting and 3 dimensional.
SteelingMaxApr 10, 2023 7:21 PM

Apr 10, 2023 7:05 PM

Jul 2019
SteelingMax said:
What's the deal with people in this thread saying they like things being random and/or confusing? Is that an actual valid opinion to argue for? 
I've seen it being brought up in some other places, usually with media that contains somewhat complex themes and usually by teens that don't really know how to argue/create arguments or like to think critically(not a diss), to me that just sounds like this person has no idea why they liked a show, but since they did, they try to rationalize why that would be the case, most likely case is that the person liked the show for other reasons and just didn't mind the randomness(more of a vibes person), maybe bc they usually don't pay too much attention when watching something, so they're "used" to not really following plot super close or they're just fine with not understanding what's hapening and don't mind relevating confusing moments. 
Plus i don't think Sonny Boy isn't even confusing to begin with, it's not exactly shonen/isekai simple(in general) but i'm pretty sure it's made for the same young audience, they just needed to work more on the pacing, stripped some of the filler that doesn't really add anything, got rid of most characters, focus more on the ones left and tried making them more compelling, interesting and more 3 dimensional.

It's the incentive for people to complain about things they don't quite understand or care to understand. That being said, Sonny Boy is an experience like no other even if you weren't quite fond of it.

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