Soviet-Afghan War: the War That Changed the World I SLICE HISTORY | FULL DOCUMENTARY
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- In December 1979, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan. The intervention of Soviet forces in Afghanistan was a pivotal event in 20th-century history… one that gave rise to Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden. This war changed the face of the world.
Thanks to the declassification of numerous archives that had remained secret until now, cross-referenced with testimonies from agents on all sides (including Mikhail Gorbachev, who speaks for the first time about the invasion), this film offers a fresh perspective on history and helps us understand how we reached such a confrontation between the Muslim world and the Western world.
In Western countries, this conflict is known as "the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan." For the Russians, however, it was the "deployment of a limited contingent." This so-called "limited contingent" operation lasted 10 years and played a crucial role in the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was the last conflict of the Cold War and the first in a long series of wars that have yet to come to an end.
This film aims to revisit this lesser-known chapter of contemporary history by examining it from the perspective of the Soviet "invaders."
Documentary: Afghanistan 1979, the War that Changed the World (2014)
Directed by: Gulya Mirzoeva
Production: Point du Jour
#documentary #freedocumentary #fulldocumentary #history #afghanistan #middleast #afghanwar #war #soviet #sovietunion #coldwar
This is a really good documentary, I am learning a lot on this one. It's just not a conflict that has been covered that much in the western media with this kind of depth.
Seeing the last leader of the ussr featured in a documentary is so wild to me
The content is good, finally.
1:13 On January 17, 1961, in this farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the establishment of a "military-industrial complex."
16:38 Good advertisement for Coke. 😂😅
Interesting slice of history/politics
All seems to boil down to a point in which religion stood in the way of change and progress. Regardless of its core nature, communist or capitalist, socialist or nationalist... It was progress. Education, electrification, infrastructure. Same in Iran. Religion above peoples wealth and betterment of society as a whole... Pure evil.
mindblowing to see reagan talking and supporting the same ''freedom fighters'' they re gonna fight against for 20 years. And then call them terrorists. is this thaught in america schools?
The US has always suffered from blowback of their nefarious policies.
Where Brezhnev's eyebrows exposed to radioactive isotopes?
Propaganda can change ally to enemy over night. If america have some interests somewhere they just say "dictator" or something like that. Look at syria, assad was "dictator" but that jihadist there now is liberal angel. Or democrazy, I quess saudis are cool.
Lip service was important.
If weren’t for the 3 “old guard” Soviet party members being dumb, fate might been different.
Two things:
The "Magic Bullet" wasn't magic. Its seemingly zig zagging path is due to how Kennedy and Connolly were seated in the car. They weren't sitting directly behind each other or at the same level.
And the "pristine bullet" wasn't pristine. It was indeed deformed.
Why did the chinese help the Americans with buying weapons? I know they weren't the best of friends but still
Well USSR and China hated each other it was known as Soviet/china split. China helped trained or supported weapons to the rebel fighters
I meant and
The Chinese and CIA were already working together to aid the same rebel groups in Angola to fight Russian backed proxies. The US and Chinese both were willing to arm whatever terrorist groups who were willing to fight Russians or their proxies.
all behind of this CIA and ISI agencies
Not just them but yes they were in it.
Like Milton Bearden said near the beginning: Afghanistan wasn’t even on our (the US’s) radar until the soviet military showed up on civilian airliners. We were more focused on Iran and we were very much friendly with Pakistan and their ISI, as they did NOT want a major power warring right next door bc they were/still are standoffish on their eastern border with India (who we, the US, are also friends with). Also when certain people in congress saw the opportunity to burn soviet money via military equipment destruction, of course they jumped at the chance…and it was the straw that broke the soviet camel’s back. The ussr couldnt recover after that and now multiple eastern european countries are the safest places to live. The soviets totally destroying Afghanistan is what caused the eventual uprising of the (iranian backed) taliban. A civil war broke out between them and the US backed Northern Alliance and unfortunately, the taliban won out.
@@kevinjohanson5718 The Taliban was formed in 1990s during the war it was called Mujahideen. Your right we were focusing on other things till USSR fucked up by invading Afghanistan
@@kevinjohanson5718 also Taliban means students. A lot of the afghans people fled to Pakistan while the war going on.
@ the mujahideen was a blanket term used for the afghani fighters as a whole. There were two main factions that fought after the soviets left. Massoud was the de facto head of the Northern Alliance (the ones the soviets attacked as they left) and Mullah Omar was the head of the taliban.
The Soviet's politics had made a big mistake and decision to send the troops in Afghanistan to protect their geopolitical interests there. It was disastrous act and the USSR became a ruin state after that in 1991. However , the war tactic and USA aid to extremist Mujahedin is similar that in Ukraine case, they feed the Azov and other extremist groups in Ukraine with a military arsenal, before RF invade in. So, the story repeat again and again, nothing has changed.
God, what nonsense! Is that what they teach you in the West? The USSR collapsed for internal reasons and the war in Afghanistan had nothing to do with it! Write it down on your forehead! Another question is that the USSR was completely unprepared for the war. There were no trained soldiers and officers, there was no experience of war in the mountains, and so on. Moreover, the USSR, due to the weakness of its leadership, turned a blind eye to the antics of Pakistan, Iran and other assistants of the dushmans. And under Gorbachev, he even kissed his first enemies, such as the United States and Britain. What kind of result do you want after that? Gorbachev betrayed the USSR, betrayed the government of Afghanistan at that time.
The US won the war, did they? Some victory! The are also on their knees financially now, the living standards of the middle class have fallen dramatically and radically.
"Limited contingent" is a type of Soviet lie. Of course every army is "limited" for different reasons, but Soviets wanted to appear that their involvement is not significant.
The Graveyard of Empires strikes again...😮
The only "empire" that fell due to warring in Afghanistan was the soviets lol
@@oatdilemma6395 The British lost during their Empire too, so funny how the dense west does not learn from history
@@sullyx5142 The British did indeed lose in Afghanistan but it did not cause their empire to collapse, unlike the soviets.
The USA won and ussr lost the war but the biggest loser was Afghan people and still doesn’t have any government and lost everything.
Afghans are the biggest loser in this war. 😢😢
Big mistake fighting for foreigners political interests and war.
We afghans destroyed our country with many millions dead and injured.
Those people in charge should stand a trail and people should be the judge against them
yeah u right afghan so corrupt even america back out because of afghan corruption
All I noticed that pakistan has helped Afghans alot more than anyone they give refugee to millions and many more
The helped the taliban
Similar to the special military operation in Ukraine that has cost half milion lost and wounded Russian soldiers.
adverts every 4 mins on average,greedy FAIL SO THUMBS DOWN FROM ME.
seriously just learn how to use an adblocker
Rustam Mohmand spouts the typical BS of the Pk establishment. Right, if the American support made no difference, how is it that all the Jihadi passion in the world, has done little to dislodge the Israeli occupation, which is both older and more brutal?
The Mujehideen factions responsibility for the destruction of Kabul through 1990s Afghan Civil Wars with Taliban.
[Washington Post, May 3, 1992] "Kabul today is anything but a city basking in triumph. . . . [R]ockets and shells continue to crash into residential neighborhoods, fired by the forces of fundamentalist guerrilla leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. . . . Hundreds of civilians lie in hospitals lacking electricity, water, and basic sterilization equipment. More arrive each day. . . . Heavily armed, ethnically divided guerrillas and militiamen prowl the city streets, defending patchwork blocks from their rivals, speaking in heated tones about their various enemies and sometimes looting homes and shops. ."
Read more : Human Rights Watch Report 1990 on Afghanistan.
Same groups of the Mujehideen/warlords made up majority in the US backed government for nearly 20 years and 2.1 trillion got wasted . But The US blaming Afghans instead.
Scientific and Analytical Thinking: Progress, high individual income, 1st world status, women's rights, innovation, home ownership, excellent infrastructure etc.
None of your societies are like that lol
The war is still going on
Who won the WAR 😊
Few wars have true winners. Afghanistan is a perfect example. Brezhnev & USSR was a fool; and then Bush Junior & America was a fool.
@@TheDroppedAnchoryes but the main goal was to take out osama bin Laden and than leave Afghanistan but that didn’t go as planned
Not in that war
Now Trump is trying for his own theocracy