Soulless 3 v1 by ExileLord

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • / exilelord
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    / plumato
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Комментарии • 27

  • @TheGreenPig321
    @TheGreenPig321 5 лет назад +22

    This sounds good because it feels nostalgic and was made for its time.

  • @tungst4n
    @tungst4n 11 месяцев назад +6

    Top things to be theorized as impossible:
    1. Going faster than light 💡
    2. Exceeding different dimensions ⬛️
    3. Making marketable time machinery ⏳️
    4. A bad Exilelord song 🎵

    • @crosswegan1543
      @crosswegan1543 9 месяцев назад

      Dream Sequence:

    • @El_GatoGaming
      @El_GatoGaming 8 месяцев назад +3

      Soulless 1:

    • @thecoolerwel0n
      @thecoolerwel0n 2 месяца назад

      obsidian with headphones on:

    • @crosswegan1543
      @crosswegan1543 Месяц назад

      @@thecoolerwel0n ok nah obsidian is peak even if the beat's a bit rough

    • @thecoolerwel0n
      @thecoolerwel0n Месяц назад

      @ headphones make it horrible imo

  • @VrOOm1337
    @VrOOm1337 6 лет назад +23


  • @toprawman100
    @toprawman100 3 года назад +15

    4:54 💯😩👌

    • @uniqueegmd
      @uniqueegmd Год назад

      the part immediately after is better imo

    • @toprawman100
      @toprawman100 Год назад

      ​@uniqueegmd yeah, I like playing that part more in game

  • @zekicode
    @zekicode 2 года назад +4

    The solo just doesn't miss, best exilelord song imo

    • @mariverlover
      @mariverlover Год назад

      no it is not

    • @orange_man_from
      @orange_man_from Год назад +1

      Comment chain reminds me of ManCarryingThing "teenagers when you don't like their favorite movie:"
      "The best Exile song is Soulless..."
      *waits for continuation*
      "That's not even the best song in that series."
      "Do you hate me? Do you think I'm an idiot because I like that song? It's like you want me to die."

  • @franclorenzromerowage4474
    @franclorenzromerowage4474 2 года назад +1

    I love split and tripped solo on this version

  • @a.legg.jobb.NoelH.DenisShelby
    @a.legg.jobb.NoelH.DenisShelby 2 года назад +5

    Basically soulless 6 when sped up by 1.25X

    • @StatisticsBattles
      @StatisticsBattles 2 года назад


    • @uniqueegmd
      @uniqueegmd 11 месяцев назад

      s l o w e d . d o w n

    • @crosswegan1543
      @crosswegan1543 9 месяцев назад

      @@StatisticsBattles He meant that Soulless 6 is basically Soulless 3 at 125% speed

  • @doktawhawee9870
    @doktawhawee9870 6 лет назад +18

    I prefer the updated version myself,

    • @shreddermetal2022
      @shreddermetal2022 3 года назад +7

      I prefer the original v1 (2010) version of Soulless 3 instead because this version (2010 version) connects each other with previous 2 Soulless songs (Soulless 1 and Soulless 2) but without any "bleep bloop" type for example:
      S3's Mini Solo -> S2's 16th Solo (different chord progression - Cm - Fm - Cm - Fm - Cm)
      S3's S2 Chorus Redux -> S2's Chorus 1 and 2
      S3's Chimney Solo -> S2's Chimney Verse (different chord progression Cm - G#/C - Bm - G/B)
      S3's Trilled Up -> S2's Chorus Remix (as trills)
      S3's Robot Solo - Quad Solo - Quipped Solo - Outro A - same chord progression (C#m - Cm) - continued in Outro B (C#m - G#/C - Bsus4 - A#)
      which I really liked it

  • @Kalashimi
    @Kalashimi 2 года назад

    Soulless 6 but slowed down 5 times

  • @Kalashimi
    @Kalashimi 2 года назад +1

    Soulless 6 but slowed down 5 times

    • @MrShuki0
      @MrShuki0 2 года назад +2

      Well, Soulless 6 (teaser) is just Soulless 3 speed up 5 times.

    • @ClairesCuriousity
      @ClairesCuriousity Год назад

      No bro soulless 6 is soulless 3 sped up by 1.25x