Never thought of that combo BECAUSE of how Louise treats Stan. But now that you mention it, I would LOVE to see a Stan/Louise situation happen where one of them were under the impression they were hooking up with someone else. Say, Louise thinking that Robert/Axel (As Ian and Mike are known "friends of Jeremy" wouldn't work) were looking to make her feel better and get "back into the game", only to have Stan sneak in thinking it was Lena, and only AFTER the deed was done, the lights turn on and they realize that they had enjoyed sleeping with each other.
Would REALLY flip the script on their characters and relationships. Especially if they Louise was trying to keep it a secret from Lena, while Stan now had the confidence to pursue Lena or at least suggest something between the two.
Boy, a Louise/Stan hook up could really shake things up in a lot of ways.
I'm pretty sure that unless Louise was really out of it (like drunk or something), she'd pretty quickly recognize that something was up with Stan fucking her - even if she couldn't see him because of a blindfolded or whatever. I'd be highly surprised if Stan wasn't a virgin, and that teamed with his lack of confidence would immediately give him away for anyone who has had even a little sexual experience..
I also think it would take something
massive to make Stan have the sort of confidence to pursue Lena, and I don't know that this game has the time-span to accommodate that kind of change in him. Like, I'm talking Stan getting a major makeover, working out, etc; in other words, a transformation similar to what Jeremy had.
The only other way in which I could imagine Stan pursuing Lena with any sort of confidence is if he drugged her, blackmailed her or something to that effect. In other words, if Stan had something over her.
And as for Stan and Louise together, first you'd have to turn Louise into a desperate slut, and then you'd have to have her look past how much she hates Stan, which isn't a shallow hate covering for attraction - she cannot stand him.
Tbh Jeremy is a meathead to the max, dude doesn't have any charisma at all, he gets girls because he's hot. He's like the male equivalent of Arieth from BaD.
I don't really think that Jeremy gets girls because he's particularly hot (at least not looks-wise, although that's all a matter of personal taste), but because he has confidence knowing he has a good body/big dick, and that makes him appear more attractive to some women; someone being confident and sure of themselves is a massive attractant and can make up for other 'deficiencies'. None of the girls - that I can recall, correct me if I'm wrong - mention that Jeremy is hot like is frequently said of Axel.
Perhaps I'm thinking a bit too much into a character that hasn't really given us much for all his shallow nature, but I do feel like the good body and confidence Jeremy has is a bit of a cover for the nerd that lurks below. We don't really know what happened to the mega nerd Jeremy once was or why, but usually such an extreme change (nerd to chad) does leave some residual self-consciousness buried inside them, if only from the fear that he'll be exposed for not being all that he makes himself out to be. Honestly, I really wish Eva would build upon or flesh out the background she gave his character; dammit, I want to actually find something to like about him.
I'd drop his charisma score down a point, personally.